What is this place you speak of where the green grass grows? Where the water flows?
Take me there. Take me there.
What is this place you speak of where the hate is no more?
What is this place you speak of where they understand my needs?
Take me there. Take me there.
What is this place you speak of where they listen to my voice?
What is this place you speak of where hunger is no more?
Take me there. Take me there.
I have seen it in your soul, you will take me from this place to the one you speak of. Your eyes see my pain, and you know my plight.
I have seen it in your eyes.
You will take me there. You will take me there.
Here is where the green grass grows and the water flows.
Here is where they hate me no more, where they understand my needs.
Here is where they hear my voice, where I hunger no more.
Here is where I run through the hills.
You have taken me there. You have taken me there.
I have seen your soul, I have seen it through your eyes. You will bring others here. I have seen it in your eyes.
You will take them here. You will take them here.
To where the green grass grows and the water flows. To where they hate no more, where they know our needs.
To where we hunger no more. To where they listen to our voice.
You will take them here. You will take them here.